So I was at the gym running tonight and I was thinking, which I suppose I do a lot of, too much even, and I realized something: I missed home. But then again, aren't I home? I'm back with my family. I'm back where I spent all of my life with the exception of the past 4 months. I'm with the people that I have loved all of my life. Yet, why does it feel so wrong? Why does it feel like something is missing?
Then it dawned on me, all of my life I thought that home was where my parents were....and I was partially right, yet I was definitely missing something. Home is where those you love are. I love the people that I have developed friendships with over the course of the time that I have spent college and I realized that is the reason that a little freshman dorm has become my home. My roommates have become like sisters to me. We talk about life together, share our worries, make cookies, share our hopes, dreams, keep each other in line...we've really bonded over the past few months. And there are a number of guys that I have bonded with over my stay there as well...some becoming almost like brothers to me and others just especially close.
So what is the point of all of this...I'm not really sure. Pure inspiration running into my mind I suppose. I just know that I really miss everyone back there. And although I really want to go back, I also don't at the same time due to the fact that I know that many of them will be gone and replaced by other guys that will then be living there. Will it be the same? I don't think so. Call me a pessimist, but I highly doubt that the new guys that will be living there will even compare to the guys we are losing. I suppose only time will tell...but all I know is that losing them will be really tough and I'm certainly not looking forward to it...somehow this subject was brought up again, I feel like many of these will go back to those guys leaving...ahhhh well. Anyways, it's late and I'm tired.
I'll leave you with this...
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