Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The past few weeks have been particularly wonderful....I have so much to say, yet I don't have the time that or even words perhaps that I would like to be able to do so.
Although, I will catch up eventually...hopefully this weekend. (:
I would just really like to say how amazing my life is. I am so grateful for my family, friends, school, church, everything. (:
Sometimes the things we care most about in life seem to get neglected...but I hope that I can remember how important these things are, especially when things do get tough.
Because even though these past few weeks have been the best, they have also been tough. But I'll get to all of that later, I really just wanted to say how thankful I am for everything. (:
Just remember:
There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, even when life completely sucks and you think it can't be too much worse.
Do you have legs to walk? A bed to sleep in? Good health? A family (even if they are give or take 2,000 miles away)? The gospel in your life? All of these things are blessings that should be cherished so I would encourage you that when you get on your knees to pray to tonight to remember these things and thank our Heavenly Father for them. If you were to wake up with only the things that you had thanked God for the night before would you be happy? Remember him, remember the many blessings he has bestowed upon you, and above all:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Little Things

Today started off pretty ordinary, it really did.
Nothing extravagent or anything. In fact, if it was anything, it was probably more on the lousy side.

sometimes things have a way of changing on you.
And that was exactly how today was.

Most of two and a half hour psych class was spent reviewing Book of Mormon, I had a test that I planned on taking after that class.
To my great dismay, when I took my usual seat, attractive guy who normally sits next me wasn't there. Although, it only took a minute or two to realize he was sitting a row above me.
The class acually passed by rather quickly.
And after class, we talked and walked like half way back to Heritage before he headed to his I can safely say that this was when things started to look up. (:

Then, I went and took my Book of Mormon test. It actually went really well. I felt super prepared for it and was happy to see I understood the concepts quite well. (: And, the best part, A! So things were definitely looking even more up after that.
Even though it was raining.
And I hate rain.
I was pretty happy.

After working on homework for some time, I headed to the library at like 11 because I had to return some books. And while I was walking there, something came over me.
I don't know if words can adequately explain it...I just felt so...happy.
And I know happy is such a simple word.
But that's how I felt.
Everything felt simple and wonderful.

It had stopped raining so the air was nice.
And the sky was dark and beautiful.
And I just wanted the moment to never end.
Like I could seriously just stay caught up there forever.

I was really doing nothing of consequence.
Walking, listening to music, certainly not anything out of the ordinary.
But I just wanted to dance and skip.
And I couldn't stop smiling.
I was just so happy to be where I was at that exact moment.
I'm not sure anything could have topped it.

And after I got out of the library an hour later, I felt the same way.
Just so happy.
I actually did allow myself to dance and skip.
I didn't want to go back home.
I really didn't.
I would have been perfectly contended to keep walking and prancing around until my ipod died or I got frost bite or my legs became so tired that I collapsed.
Although, I was in a sort of euphoric state and I'm pretty sure none of those things even found residence in my mind.

For a few simple moments,

Eventually, I met up with my friend Blake who was walking back from work and we had a little adventure of our own: "ice skating", climbing rocks, prancing along the sidewalk, and witnesses a very scandalous car scene.

And now, I'm sitting here, pondering the whole night. Wondering, how some things that are so simple can bring so much joy.

I love life.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

And oh I just can't wait to be king...♫

So yesterday, Wednesday.
I got pretty sick on Monday so by this time I was feeling pretty cruddy.
So I skipped my Chem class so I could sleep in and then go run.
I really didn't want to skip that class...but I did.
I did got to PD Bio though because we had homework and a quiz. 
On the plus side, I got a 7 1/2 mile run in, which is a mile or two more than I'm normally able to get in during my morning weekly runs.
So after I get all nice and showered, I race back to my dorm, grab lunch, and dart to my 4 p.m. class. 
It was kind of feeling like a lousy day by that point because of how rushed I was.
But then I get to class and that all changes because, even though I was a little late, the seat where I had sat last time, that I highly doubted would be open, next to a very attractive boy was open.(:

Okay, so he didn't exactly look like Alex Pettyfer...but close enough. (: So then began the excruciatingly long two and a half hour class...although, I must admit that it wasn't half bad when I got to talk to him. (:

After that class though, I raced home to drop my stuff off so I could run to the wilk for this Neuroscience fair. For some reason, the way there I was in a really good mood. (: I wasn't complaining or anything, but when you're sick and know that you have a ton of cleaning to finish for a cleaning check when you get back to your dorm, you're typically not in an excellent mood...or at least I'm not.

So going around and looking at all the research projects was a lot of fun. (: There was free pizza, which I didn't complain about....and I found a project that was more neuropsychology based and talked to the lab manager and found out that I could be involved even though I'm a freshman! It would probably be grunt work, but hey, I'm not complaining! (:
So after about 40 minutes, I head back to my dorm. But, while I was on my way back I get a text from this guy that I went on a date with the prior Friday.
And he was asking me out for this Friday.(:
So I did one of those giant excited jumps into the air with a squeal of joy.
Like so...

It's a good thing it was dark outside and I was semi-alone.
So the rest of the night I was in a pretty good mood.
Like an ultra good mood.
Even though I was cleaning.
So, tomorrow. (: I really can't wait. I guess it would be an understatement to say I'm excited. (:
And then we passed cleaning check.
And I wrote a great paper for Book of Mormon.
See, great day. (:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's one of those 3 A.M+Cheerios and A spoonful of Peanut Butter nights

Ever have one of those nights when you think so hard that you just want to stop thinking...about everything?
Yep, that's where I'm at tonight. I need to be working on this paper, but I just can't focus. I just seem to be thinking about things completely unrelated to said paper.
Instead all I can think about is life. And what I want out of it.
Some days I just want to rush things. I want to fall in love, get married, and half a family.
But the next second I'm like woahhh, maybe in like 2 or 3 years.

I don't know. I just can't decide what I want. I mean I know exactly what I want in life.
I could write a list and tell you what I want the guy I marry to be like, the name of my future children, my future job, everything down to the color of blinds in my future house. (:
That's just how I am: I plan everything out.
Even if it doesn't work out like that, planning makes me feel better.

Yet, I worry about things a lot.
How things will work out.
If they even will.
I tell myself I have all this time, but do I really?
What if I miss my chance for something awesome because I'm so distracted trying to plan everything?
I don't know...I guess I really am thinking too much right now.
I just hope everything turns out good...
I blame it on this Mormon romance novel I'm reading. It makes me think about stuff like this and it's so good I can't put it down!
Seriously, here it is:

So don't start reading it unless you want to get totally addicted...just saying.

I blame this book for making me think about stuff prematurely and setting my sights so high.

Ahhh well I really should start working on my paper, or better yet, go to bed. Where I will probably dream about all of this escaping it right? :p